My Journey Through Public School
Barriere Elementary School
I attended this school through grades 4-7. (I attended the Barriere Ridge School from K-3. The building has been turned into the district building and is not pictured.)
I attended this school from grades 8-12. I graduated with District Honours, The Gold Cord, many scholarships, and was co-valedictorian for the class of 2015.
My Journey Through Post- Secondary School
I attended this school from 2015-2016 in Aquatic & Fisheries Science. I also had the experience of dorm living and being part of running the universities aquaponics greenhouse.
I have attended this school from 2016-present. I have gone through 3 years of an undergraduate Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Physical Geography and a minor in History. I am currently enrolled in my first year of the Bachelor of Education.
District Honors (2015)
Deans List 2016 (VIU), 2017 & 2018 (TRU)
These academic awards are something that I have truly worked hard for within my school career. The work that has been put into the awards has reminded me of a key trait that students should be equipped with: perseverance. Something that has remained consistent in my mind throughout schooling has been the question of whether or not I have what it takes to accomplish my goals. With students, I think it is valuable to remind them that hard work and perseverance can get you just about anywhere. A portion of quote that reminds me to persevere is from Theodore Roosevelt: “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort…” I understand that some things come easier to some when compared to others but in general, I still believe that effort rewards us with great things. In this case, knowledge and the recognition of our hard work. That being said, recognition does not always have to be grandiose or for grandiose achievement. In my future practice, I hope to provide students with mini-goals where they can easily benchmark their perseverance and be recognized for their accomplishments by everyone around them.